Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Ticktin Law Group Fights Foreclosures in Florida

Peter Ticktin, CEO of The Ticktin Law Group, announces the launch of a new website, to promote the foreclosure defense work he and his legal team are doing at firm.

“We have a plan that offers Florida homeowners and investors full defenses with an easily affordable monthly charge,” says Ticktin. “Our main reward is a contingency fee that we get if and when we defeat the mortgage. We use defenses that we see are implemented in Florida and other states, and we are using some that we have developed ourselves.

“We are experienced trial lawyers and we apply the knowledge that we have regarding the hard fought cases in our experience to the mortgage foreclosure cases. This sometimes gives us a good advantage over and above the standard.”

In addition to the website, a television campaign was launched in Broward County. It will be expanded shortly to include viewers in Palm Beach County and Miami-Dade County. The spot may be viewed on YouTube.The new website was created by Snap Creative Group which also redesigned the firm’s main website,

The Ticktin Law Group may be reached at (954) 978-8950, (561) 392-6933, or toll-free (888) 978-8950.