Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Peter Ticktin interviewed by Miami Herald; Moves offices to Deerfield Beach

Peter Ticktin, CEO of The Ticktin Law Group was interviewed by Miami Herald writer Monica Hatcher for a July 18th article about Florida homeowners facing foreclosure who are hiring attorneys to help them.

From the article:

"When lenders can't prove they own the loan, lawyers can get cases dismissed," said Peter Ticktin of the Ticktin Law Group in Deerfield Beach, whose firm has advertised foreclosure defense services on television.

He began taking foreclosure clients about eight months ago. So far, none of his cases have gone to trial. His clients are still in their homes. .... Ticktin said many borrowers were duped by dishonest brokers and took on loans they could never afford. They could have their cases successfully mediated. Some borrowers' payments were misdirected and not properly credited to their accounts.

''People think I am dealing with a bunch of con artists,'' Ticktin said. ``I'm talking about families, innocent kids, people who got led into deals that are causing them trouble.''

Read the article here

The Ticktin Law firm moved its offices this week from Coconut Creek to Deerfield Beach. They may be reached at (954) 978-8950. More information at