Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trying to fix the problem early: Miami- Dade County takes a step in the right direction.

The Miami-Dade County court system is taking steps to resolve foreclosure cases at the early stages of the case. Under what is referred to as the CHAMP program, all cases involving a property in which homestead exemption is claimed and which was filed after May 1, 2009, will be referred to a mediation program. This allows both parties the opportunity to meet in a neutral fashion in order to discuss a positive resolution to the case. Most borrowers complain about their inability to communicate with anyone from the lender. This program was started as a response to those complaints, since the lack of communication with the lenders caused an increase in foreclosure filings which delay the proper administration of justice due to the overwhelming amounts of cases filed on a weekly basis.

Should the program be successful in its ultimate goal of reducing the backlogs in the court system by getting the parties together early, it will be implemented state wide. This is definitely a good beginning towards helping distressed homeowners in our communities.

Kendrick Almaguer, Esq.
The Ticktin Law Group