Friday, July 3, 2009

Foreclosures and The Threat of Hurricane Season

As Florida's hurricane season begins, the tens of thousands of vacant homes claimed by foreclosure could pose a danger to the homes and people around them. The Broward County Emergency Management Director voiced his concerns to the media stating that unsecured debris from vacant, foreclosed homes may damage others' property and could even threaten the lives and safety of people living nearby if the unsecured debris is propelled by high winds. If unprotected homes are destroyed and left as a pile of rubble, it could also be another damaging blow to our weakened property values and local economy.

Sadly, the banks have not kept these vacant properties secure or well maintained. In many cases they neglect to pay homeowners association fees resulting in poor upkeep of the bank-owned properties as well as others in the association. As a community, we need to ensure that banks take responsibility for these homes. If you see a foreclosed home that is unsecured or in a state of disrepair in your neighborhood we urge you to contact the local authorities. Most communities have minimum standards for the upkeep of homes that can be enforced. Below you will find a link to contact your State and Federal representatives to alert them to this looming disaster. If the banks aren't going to step up and be accountable for homes they have claimed by foreclosure, then it's time we hold their feet to the fire and make them do the right thing.

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